July 14, 1789...the day it all started. Or at least the day we consider the official start to the French Revolution. But what happened? What made it so memorable?
If a mob stormed a
seemingly impenetrable medieval fortress and freed all the prisoners (some justly, some unjustly like political prisoners and those waiting years for trial were imprisoned there) you'd remember it, too.

Especially if you are French and consider the Bastille the pinnacle sign of tyranny and oppression.
It's like America's Fourth of July, but without the reading the The Declaration of Independence and more bloodshed.
La fête nationale was officially declared a holiday in 1880, and Vive le 14 juillet! (“Long live the 14th of July!”) is often shouted.
The Escape: A Hellfire Club Erotique...Gabrielle Bertrand believed the men she loved had been beheaded during the French Revolution’s Reign of Terror. Now promised in marriage to a general of the revolution, she still fears for her life and has resigned herself to the union.
The Masque: A Hellfire Club Erotique...Olivia Reynard must leave Paris tonight. It's the height of the French Revolution's Reign of Terror and as a nobleman's daughter, she knows it's a matter of time before she's sent to the guillotine. Fleeing to the notorious Hellfire Club, she soon finds a world of sexual pleasure she's never imagined.
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